So last year starting in June of 2016 I began my journey into the world of entertainment. With a desire to produce my take on the superhero genre I began to package my stories and character breakdowns to ready them for presenting to a producer I met through a referral. I had never considered, and didn't really know about, getting a development deal. My original goals were simple, I was writing stories about characters that interest me with the hopes of sharing in short form online. This referral changed that though. After meeting with this producer and presenting my project, he expressed great interest in developing my stories into an animated t.v. series and a graphic novel. Fast forward to today and my graphic novel is complete and I have self published it, available on this website, and plan to publish it on Comixology at the beginning of next year 2018. My t.v. series so far has some strong interest from a distribution company and I anxiously await to see if I will get a deal, I hope to find out before the end of this year. It has been a wild ride and has been kind of scary as well but fun and exciting at the same time. Looking back I've definitely made mistakes and see where I could have done some things differently as well. One thing I've learned so far in my life is that mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow. So I am learning and growing for sure. Yet, I am hopeful that this project will prove successful, hopefully sooner rather than later. What does success look like now? Success for me right now would be to get a distribution deal and produce my pilot episode.
My original goals was to simply produce animated shorts for online consumption and I still plan to do this, but it is always exciting to know that my story can be aired on television, potentially around the world, so I am looking forward to this possibility. During this journey I have met many other creatives who have amazing projects and ideas, who are incredible artists as well! I am thankful for starting this project for this reason alone. For those who have been following my Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages, thank you for your likes and shares and I hope you will stay with me on this wild ride and see where it takes us!
Make it a wonderful day!